The truth about Japanese slavery


Browse the internet for "Japanese slavery" to find an answer to the question "where did it come from." Guess what, you'll get at least a hundred different answers and a couple thousand builds of these.

The following may be a surprising fact, but ... the problem is that there is hardly any history of Japanese slavery. And certainly not linear.

You see, like almost all erotic styles, games and techniques, Japanese bondage is a compilation of many techniques and influences. And sadly, as is often the case, there are many pseudo-experts in the field.

Elegant words and mysticism

Let's start with some facts: probably the oldest written documentation on sexuality and the forms of restriction, pain and urges that come with this is the KamaSutra. No, that's not an old book on sex, but actually a book of wisdom. It dates back to several thousand years before Christ and Vatsyayana, the monk who wrote the book, actually did little more than write what had been oral teachings up to that point for thousands of years.

Sexuality is one of the three important pillars of the Veda, the maternal wisdom of both Hinduism and Buddhism. In summary, the Veda recognizes the three areas of wisdom: sexuality, social / economic and spiritual. From there the knowledge spread, mainly throughout the East. And knowledge adapted and changed according to local and regional differences, development and growing knowledge.

I'll spare you the hundreds of different shapes and forms that both Buddhism and Hinduism have taken since then.

Enter "martial arts".

The fight is as old as humanity. So is sexuality. So is spirituality. All three usually go hand in hand. Erotic power and reproduction is important to the species. All three deal with life and death, the eternal cycle around which the cosmos revolves. And all three, sooner or later, in some combination, will find their way into the bedroom, the legislation, and "crowd control" (or social or religious control, if you like).

Mystifying and using fancy words is an important part of all this. If I know something that you don't know, I have better opportunities and better opportunities in love and in bed. This is what has brought entire kingdoms to enormous success and to their knees.

Modern sexuality

Let's take a giant leap into the contemporary world of iPods, the Internet, cell phones, fast cars, and television.

Two things have changed dramatically in the last few decades. One: people have lost touch with their roots and as a result you see an increase in spirituality. Two: Anyone can be almost anything, and mass communication across the Internet in seconds. Remember: "I know something you don't know" has been an important instrument of power since the first ape began to walk on two legs.

So what do you do to "look important"? Either you find something that not many people know about, or you just invent or modify something. It happens everywhere. The "financial world" revolves largely around rumors and expectations. "Wine connoisseurs" seem to have forgotten that wine at its core is a simple but pleasant drink made from grapes or other fruits. And sex is no different.

The reality of Japanese bondage

Japanese slavery (also known as Shibari, also known as Kinbaku-bi) has many, many different influences. In contemporary Japanese slavery you will find influences from 12th century Japanese theater, geisha culture, other art forms, a 17th century suicide ritual, Buddhism, the manipulation of Ki energy (better known as acupuncture), from several different orientals. cultures and martial arts. In other words, it doesn't have a linear history, it's an evolving shibari examples.

Go back to your internet search. What you will soon see is that there are intense debates about who has the "real knowledge". Well that's the internet for you. Remember the old joke about how many chatbox members it takes to change a light bulb? (hundreds, most of them discussing the correct spelling of the word lightbulb).


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