Mars Transits: expresses different will qualities

Astrologically, Mars represents how we assert our will and power. When Mars goes through each of the signs of the zodiac over a period of two years, we have the opportunity to experience and express different aspects or will qualities. During Mars' transit through the fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, we experience strong will, which is energetic, dynamic and expansive.

As Mars moves through the earth signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, we experience skillful will that is productive, disciplined and masterful. In the air signs: The Twins, Libra and Aquarius, we have an opportunity to experience "good will", which is relational, social and Glammy.

Finally, when Mars is in the water signs: cancer, the scorpion and the fish, we can experience transpersonal will that is empathetic, transformative and transcendent. As Mars travels through each of the zodiac signs, we have an opportunity to develop and practice a deeper sense of will that transcends the personal.

Mars in Aries. If you have wanted to make changes in your life, use Mars in Aries to start making things happen! In other words, by the power of your will, confirm to others that you are committing to a course of action! Take a stand on what you intend to create in your life and find others who will support and strengthen you in following through. Now is the time to deepen your level of commitment to implementing your goals. Let Mars in Aries be your ally, your biggest supporter and trainer!

Mars and Taurus. With Mars in an Earth sign, this is a good time to formulate and implement your plans. With Mars in Taurus, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get dirty! The bull represents the process of formulating or codifying what we value so that we can share it with others in a very practical and down-to-earth way. Use Mars in Taurus to help you handle all the "shallow" work that needs to be done so you can clear a path to share your ideas or values ​​with others. Use Mars in Taurus to catch up on all the physical things (rebuilding, repairing, beautifying, tonifying) that you need to get it done. Your energy will be stronger at this point, so be careful not to be too "bullish".

Mars and Gemini. Mars, the planet that represents personal will, is a bit diffuse in the Gemini sign. Since Gemini is the sign that represents perception through the five senses, the challenge when Mars is in Gemini is to stay focused and in the present moment. Try to make lists of what to do so you can focus on your immediate priorities. This is a great time to network with others and get a lot of "busy work" done. Focusing on cleaning up miscommunication or getting back correspondence or writing is a perfect use of this transit.

Mars in cancer. With Mars in Cancer, we can expect to feel a strong urge to get things done, albeit in a completely different way. The reason this is so is that Mars in cancer, so to speak, will go with the flow. There is an opportunity here to be free-flowing and spontaneous (Mars in a water sign) and get a huge amount done on the physical plane. One way to deal with these somewhat different energies is to find ways to get into your body through physical expression; dance, yoga, martial arts or physical exercise. This helps you balance the emotional body and get a lot done at the same time.

Mars and Leo. With Mars in Leo, this really brings the heat up in the passion department. The positive pole or higher meaning of passion is self-realization, so I'm not just talking about sexuality here. As Mars controls the power chakra (how to assert your will) and Leo the heart chakra, this duo naturally creates a strong desire in us to express what we are passionate about. When I work with clients, one of the things I see and listen to is clues to what they are passionate about. A seemingly depressed person will immediately light up when they start talking about their passion; what makes them feel alive. Use these transits to discover what you are passionate about and start integrating it more and more into your life.


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